Operations overhaul for CEOs with growing businesses!

We help busy CEOs avoid losing money by creating clear Client Success Plans. In just 90 days or less, we make sure you keep current clients and attract new ones, so your business can grow and scale.

As Seen On

About Your Chief Operations Officer (COO) & Business Strategist


Hi there, I’m Cameo!

We love working with growth-minded CEOs on strategy and improving client success plans that clears the path to more money.

With more money in your business, you can pay yourself more and invest into the growth of your company. When you business is running like a well- oiled machine, you can leverage it to create more personal wealth, establish a business that's properly run, so that you can have a GREAT future!

Wins For Our Clients: A service based business had a client success pathway that was broken. Digging into the data, we discovered over $100,000 in new leads that had not been followed up on. By hiring us, we built and redefined the success pathways that helped them collect $18,000 in the first two weeks of implementation.



We will help you uncover the true disruptions in your client success pathways that are the bottleneck to more money in your bank account. We will analyze your current service flow and tell you what solutions you need to fix them (Train People, Build Processes or Build Out Technology), so you can run efficiently grow your business and scale!

Do You Ever Feel Like?

  • The levels of service chaos is so deep, that you don’t have words to describe all the things that are going wrong?

  • I am always overwhelmed and tired of the operations dysfunction?

  • I am the bottleneck, but I don't know how to break the cycle?

But Imagine For A Second

  • You had a client success plan that helped you make more money?

  • You were no longer the bottleneck in your business?

  • You could automate daily tasks and save time?

  • You could finally delegate work to your team?

This is totally possible, and we’re here to show you how

  • You can optimize your client success plan!

  • You can eliminate the bottlenecks!

  • You can service existing clients with clarity, increasing referrals!

  • You can onboard new leads faster improving your conversion rates!



To make sure your client success pathways are optimized, you should have visibility of all the steps required to ensure a seamless client experience.

Performing this step is like giving your client service plan a check-up at the doctor. It helps you see what's working well and what needs fixing so your client experience stays healthy and vibrant!

This Offer Is For You If

  • You are a professional service based business

  • You want to scale your business to 7 figures in the next 3-5 years

  • You generate at least $250K+ annually

  • You have a team of at least 3 people (including yourself, virtual staff OK)

This Offer Is Not For You

  • You run a product based business and do not offer services

  • You are happy with your status and not in growth mode

  • You earn less than $250K annually

  • You have no team, or plans to hire anytime soon



Uncovering the disruptions in your client service journey:

Audits help you discover the hidden gaps that disrupt your client service journey, causing inconsistencies and inefficiencies. By identifying these disruptions, we can create a more reliable experience for your clients.


How to re engage leads that you've lost to poor follow up:

Re-establish trust by demonstrating your commitment to providing exceptional service and inviting them to reconnect for a fresh start.


Simplifying your client service journey and optimizing it:

Optimizing your client service journey ensures a smooth and consistent experience for your clients from start to finish. This approach not only enhances client satisfaction but also boosts your efficiency and effectiveness.


Bring your service processes back into alignment:

This step ensures consistency and efficiency across your team, leading to a better client experience. Streamlined processes also help reduce errors and save valuable time, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional service.


Restoring the "happy" + operational peace in your business:

Achieving operational peace ensures smooth, efficient processes that minimize stress and maximize performance.


Implementing the steps needs to scale your service model:

Scaling your service model involves implementing key steps to streamline processes and improve efficiency. This ensures consistent, high-quality service delivery as your client base grows.


Gaining new clients and watching your revenue increase:

Earning new clients and watching your revenue increase is an exhilarating experience for any business. It signifies growth, validation of your efforts, and the potential for even greater success.

What Will I Receive

With MY Investment?


3 - 50 Minute Strategy Zoom Sessions

$1500 Package

Our C.O.R.E. Systems™ (Client Onboarding Retention Excellence) provides insights and strategies on how to enhance client engagement and satisfaction throughout the client journey.

Benefits and emphasis on how to maintain client relationships and enhance service delivery during the first 12 months of a new client. You will get clarity on how to design smooth onboarding programs, managing clients expectations and increasing revenue and referrals, leading to higher client satisfaction and client retention.


Client Success Plan VIP Audit

$4875 Package

ADD everything in Tier 1 PLUS a full AUDIT of your Client Service Success Plan. We will evaluate and identify areas of service improvement and provide a detailed report on your

enhanced plan.

You will get structured, step by step processes on how to build your service journey, how to enhance delivery of your services and develop client retention excellence throughout your business. Your report will highlight how to prevent revenue interruptions, retain existing clients and attract new ones, driving growth in your business.

Want more details About The Audit?

Read the document here!


Evaluating Your Client Service Plan from Start To Finish:

By reviewing each step, you can identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall client experience. Evaluating your client service steps from ensures every part of the process is efficient and effective

Understanding How Your Team Is Working Together:

Seeing how your team is working together helps identify strengths and areas for improvement. By regularly assessing team dynamics, you can ensure everyone is aligned and working efficiently towards common goals.

Digging Into Your Data To Uncover The True Issues:

Delving into your data helps identify hidden problems that might be affecting your business. By analyzing the details, we can uncover the root causes and implement targeted and effective solutions.

Defining A Client Success Path That Generates More Money:

Creating a clear client success path helps streamline your service delivery, ensuring clients achieve their goals efficiently. This not only enhances client satisfaction but also boosts your revenue by encouraging repeat business and referrals.

Evaluating Your Current Technology Stack:

Assessing your current technology stack helps identify gaps and inefficiencies in your operations. This evaluation ensures your tools are optimized to support your business goals effectively, leading to higher productivity.

Collaborating On Best Fit Solutions For Your Business:

We work together to find the best solutions that fit your business needs. By collaborating closely, we ensure that every strategy aligns perfectly with your goals and enhances your client

success plans.


Check out what past clients are saying:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need an audit of my client service systems?

Think of it like going to the doctor to make sure you're healthy. A client service journey audit helps to make sure the pathways to revenue stays clear and your systems are set up to scale.

How often should I audit my client service system?

It depends on your business. Some businesses need check-ups more often than others. Like how some people go to the doctor more often if they have special health needs. If your client service systems have been on life support for a while, you may need more regular check-ins.

How long does a client service system audit take?

It's kind of like asking how long a doctor's appointment takes. It can vary depending on how big your business is and what needs to be checked. On average, our audits take at least 30-45 days to complete.

What does a client service system audit look at?

Our audit looks at the service aspects of what your business does, how it onboards new clients, how it makes sure nothing falls through the cracks, how it makes sure clients are served well and what systems are in place that support long term client satisfaction and retention.

How much do your services cost?

The investment can be different depending on how big your business is and what needs to be checked. Check above for pricing transparency.

What happens after the Client Success Audit is done?

After the audit report is complete, your business gets a report card with the things your business is doing well across your client service systems, and the things it could do better. You can then implement the recommendations yourself, or opt into our ongoing Fractional COO Services.

COPYRIGHT 2024 Cameo Roberson